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An armed man is a little republic unto himself-01
Prilagodite ga!
Anything Freed with Guns will Go Back Eventually-01
Prilagodite ga!
Don't you read the statistics Guns are unisex these days-01
Prilagodite ga!
Every day in America is a day with a shooting-01
Prilagodite ga!
Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself-01
Prilagodite ga!
Gun bans don't disarm criminals, gun bans attract them-01
Prilagodite ga!
Guns are not the problem. The species is the problem-01
Prilagodite ga!
Guns are the tools of the poorly educated-01
Guns are the tools of the poorly educated-01
Prilagodite ga!
Guns give Evil a means to expression-01
Guns give Evil a means to expression-01
Prilagodite ga!
Guns make small men feel big-01
Guns make small men feel big-01
Prilagodite ga!
I believe there is a considerable range in the bang of most guns-01
Prilagodite ga!
I haven't got a gun you homicidal pillock!-01
Prilagodite ga!
I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery-01
Prilagodite ga!
If at first you don't concede, try, try a gun-01
Prilagodite ga!
If frogs had side pockets, they'd carry hand guns-01
Prilagodite ga!
If God didn't make men equal, Samuel Colt did-01
Prilagodite ga!
If I wanted to shoot someone’s face, they’d know it-01
Prilagodite ga!
Leave the gun out of it. I can always hear the sound of money-01
Prilagodite ga!